January 14, 2021

Ranking Member Jason Smith Requests Information From Biden Transition As Budget Deadline Looms

Republican Leader of the Committee Requests Clarity On How President-Elect Plans To Pay For Campaign Promises   

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As the deadline for the incoming Administration to submit a fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget approaches, Republican Leader of the House Budget Committee, Congressman Jason Smith, issued a letter reminding President-Elect Joe Biden of his obligation, by law, to explain to Congress how he expects to fund his agenda.

Upon releasing the letter, Ranking Member Jason Smith said, “Joe Biden made lots of promises on the campaign trail but has yet to provide any details on how he plans to deliver on those promises.”  Smith continued, “I think the American people deserve transparency in their government, especially when it involves potentially increasing taxes on working-class Americans.”

February 1, 2021 is the statutory deadline to submit a FY 2022 budget to Congress, a legal obligation required by the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

Read the full letter.