August 09, 2021

Smith: Bernie’s Budget a “Roadmap to Ruin for America’s Working Families”

Washington, D.C. – House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith (MO-08) issued the following statement after Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders released his Fiscal Year 2022 budget resolution which also contained reconciliation instructions for at least $3.5 trillion in new spending and taxes on American workers and families:

“What Senator Sanders and Washington Democrats are offering is a roadmap to ruin for America’s working families. After 1,000 days of failing to pass a real budget, spending trillions already this year, and overseeing the largest inflationary growth in 40 years, they are now recklessly using this moment to start the process of unleashing trillions more in new spending and taxes that will cripple family budgets by fueling higher prices on everyday goods and services and draining the American economy of opportunity and growth.

“While Democrats seem intent on checking every single agenda item they can with this massive tax and spend budget, they are silent on the serious issue directly before them: the debt limit. Instead of heeding the concerns and struggles of working families and proposing commonsense spending controls as Republicans have suggested, Washington Democrats are choosing to outright ignore the debt limit and move forward with a harmful agenda that actually undercuts any hope for bipartisan compromise on that front.

“The new spending and taxes contained in this plan – of which the $3.5 trillion down payment on their socialist agenda is just a part – will pave the way for even greater Washington command and control over the lives of Americans while undermining America’s long-term safety, security, and prosperity.”
